Happy QuizWhat makes you happy? Email * Who are 10 people you want to see this year? (Ricky, Jimmy, Donny, Sally, etc) What 3 of your favorite outdoor activities? (Camping, Hiking, Biking, Fishing, Day drinking on a patio, etc.) What is your favorite way to get exercise? Can you cook? If so, what's the best dish you can make? And also, what's something you love but have never made? What are 3 of your favorite indoor activities? (Playing boardgames, watching shows, cooking, etc) Any trips you want to take? Places you want to visit? (Cities, Resorts, Parks, Beaches, etc) Any concerts, festivals, conventions, plays, etc that you want to go to? Who are 3 people you are close with but haven't talked to in a long time? Thank you!